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Resilience Remedy

Resilience Remedy

Life asks a lot of us sometimes, oftentimes too much. Excessive stress, chronic overload and being stretched beyond our boundaries unfortunately happens to most of us at some point.

I created the resilience remedy to help fortify and strengthen you during this chapter. It has been specially formulated to make you feel energised, focused and less overwhelmed. It will act as a herbal ally to you in these testing times.

This larger bottle offers larger doses for stronger systemic support and rebalancing. The pocket-sized remedy is helpful for when you are out and about and need some quick symptom relief or a boost.

Please note this has not been created to sustain an unhealthy life- rest is fundamental and nothing can replace it! But it has been created to help you get through a phase of overload, and to help improve your health and quality of life.

Ingredients and plant

Passionflower- Passiflora incarnata - Leaf

Ashwagandha- Withania somnifera - Root

Siberian Ginseng- Eleutherococcus senticosus - Root

Liquorice- Glycyrrhiza glabra- Root

Tulsi- Ocimum tenuiflorum - Leaf

Rosemary- Rosmarinus officinalis - Leaf

Vegetable glycerine (alcohol 0.5%)

Pairs well with:

·        Regulate and Regenerate tea

·       Open Heart tea

·       Reishi

·       Cordyceps

·       Lions Mane

·       Reconnection Remedy

·       Peace Remedy

·         Hair oil (if you suffer hair loss from stress)

How to use

50ml bottle: Have 1-3 pipettes under the tongue and hold for 30 seconds, then swallow. Top yourself up as needed. The 50ml bottle has up to 50 doses. This sized bottle is good for instant symptom relief when you are out and about. You can have many doses throughout the day. 

300ml bottle: Have 1-2 tablespoons (10-20ml) every day ideally on an empty stomach. It is important that the medicine is taken consistently for best results so it can build up in the body. Only take for 6 weeks then take a 2 week break. The 300ml has up to 30 doses, and this sized bottle allows the option to have larger doses and deeper healing. 


Much like pharmaceuticals, there are certain medicines and conditions that herbs should not be taken with unless under the supervision of a medical herbalist or doctor. I have listed them below for your ease:


Potential pharmaceutical interactions:


  • Blood pressure medications

  • Iron mineral supplements

  • Digoxin

  • Methotrexate

  • Verapamil

  • Lidocaine

  • Warfarin

  • Corticosteroids

  • Chronic use of laxatives and diuretics



  • Liver disease

  • Kidney disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Potassium issues

  • Cardiovascular issues

  • Known allergies

  •  Avoid during acute phases of infection

  • Anaemia


Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

  • Not recommended with pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Safety advice:

  • Only take for 6 weeks then take a 2 week break.

  • Do not take before bed as it can be stimulating.

Words of advice:

Like all medicines, herbs work differently for different people. This is due to the nature of one's condition as well as their personal constitution. Seeing a clinical herbalist for a personalised prescription can be very helpful, and is advised particularly for severe conditions.






Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Uplifting boost

I’m really enjoying taking these remedies I have both reconnection and resilience. I’m feeling they are slowly working and have been taking them for just over a week now . They feel uplifting and give me a boost in the morning and during the day when I’m feeling extremely


Bought to help with adrenals & finding calm and so far feeling the benefit… tastes good too👍

Herbal support for stressful times!

I've been taking Laz’s resilience remedy for 3 months now. I take it each morning with water before I eat breakfast, and it's become a part of my daily routine. I started taking it during a time of a great deal of stress, both in my work and personal life. It has become a part of my daily practise - I particularly like the ritual of drinking it first thing in the morning - it means that the very first thing that I do in the day both supports my health, and reminds me to prioritise my well being (as far as is possible in a working day).

The main change I've noticed is that my resilience to stress has improved. Situations that were making me incredibly anxious and stressed a couple of months ago feel more manageable now, and I notice that my body doesn't flip straight to panic, but is more able to regulate and calm itself. It feels as though my body and mind can tolerate a level of anxiety and then process and move through it, much better than it could a few months ago.

I wish that it wasn't the norm to have a stressful work life where we sometimes have to work when our body needs to rest. However given that these are the demands of us under the current paradigm, any plant allies that can support us with the resilience and health required of us to manage this workload are welcome, and mean that the work we have to do doesn't take such a toll on our bodies.

I would definitely continue taking this remedy, and feel grateful for its support through the winter months. Thanks so much Laz!

Hollie-may L.
Amazing stuff !

As always, the product does what it says on the tin! I took the remedy to Glastonbury festival because as everyone knows the sheer hugeness of the festy is quite overwhelming and I knew that I needed support. I couldn’t have picked a better remedy to take with me!
On a couple orders occasions I gave some to some of my friends that were working very long hours in a bar and the feedback was how much it has helped them through their shift. They have proceeded to purchase some too!
This medicine offers a supporting hug when things are a lot, the resilience that’s like a coat of arms and energy to take the next step. It also tastes delicious!!
Thank you laz for all that you do and I take pride in spreading your magic around the music scene! <3

Great for finding clarity and motivation during an unexpected transition.

During this time I've had periods where I've felt productive and motivated. I've also had periods of time where l've felt unmotivated as though l've achieved very little (whether this be tangible things or good, healing rest). When I heard that Becca was making this new formulation, 1 was keen to try it out! I found that during these periods I was taking resilience remedy I was able to motivate myself to get up and be productive, where I had found it more difficult to focus and get on with things in the periods around this. I initially started using it after a change in my weekly routine left me lacking direction and I ended up in a phase of feeling low motivation. I had plenty I could and wanted to be getting on with (in some ways too many things!), but lacked the energy and spark that was needed to decide what to do and to start the day. From the first day of using it I seemed to regain this lacking energy and suddenly had focus and decision making capacity again. At first I felt that this was largely to do with a placebo effect and perhaps in part it was, but over the following days/weeks of continued use I felt less scattered, more methodical in my doing and thinking with a greater level of focus. I was more able to be present and do one thing at a time (within reason... this is not a skill that I have mastered at any point in my life...) whilst completing tasks and ticking things off of my to do list.

When I stopped taking the resilience remedy for a few weeks and started again I was happy to feel similar results as before. Since taking the remedy, I think l've felt broadly more positive about what I have been able to achieve, whether that be professional work, voluntary work or work around the house. From my experience, I feel that this is very much a remedy to take when your life dictates that you need a push to get going - this could be on the odd day that you need it or over an extended period. I also feel, however, that it is important to try to listen to our bodies and minds as to when we need to rest and if at all possible to do just that.

I highly recommend this medicine for periods where there is more pressure than we would like.


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